


Célunk a digitalizációs megoldások megismertetése, használatuk ösztönzése, a forráshoz jutás támogatása, a közvetlen EU-s pályázati lehetőségek felkutatása és bemutatása, valamint a hazai és nemzetközi jó gyakorlatok átadása a helyi vállalkozások számára. A kezdeményezéssel a projektet megvalósító innomine és az iFood Élelmiszer Klaszter az agrár és élelmiszeripari vállalkozásokat igyekszik helyzetbe hozni.

Ez a projekt a SmartAgriHubs „SERVICE the SmartAgriHubs Community Network Open Call” projekt keretében valósul meg, amely az Európai Unió Horizont 2020 kutatási és innovációs programjából nyert támogatást a 818 182 számú támogatási szerződés alapján.




Dél-Magyarország hazánk legkevésbé iparosodott régiója, azonban a mezőgazdasági szektor az országos átlagnál erősebb szerepet játszik.

A régió legnagyobb hiányosságai a következők:

1. Alacsony szintű együttműködés a főbb szereplők között (agrár-élelmiszeripari vállalkozások, erdészet, mezőgazdasági innovációs szereplők, gazdálkodók, állattenyésztés, biotechnológiával kapcsolatos vállalkozások és informatikai cégek, mint technológiai, informatikai infrastruktúra szolgáltatók stb.). Nagyon fontos ezeket a szereplőket egy erős, tudásalapú mezőgazdasági innovációs ökoszisztéma kialakítására ösztönözni a régióban

2. Az innovatív technológiák alkalmazásához szükséges ismeretek hiánya és ennek következtében a régióban a fejlődés elmaradása miatt a mezőgazdasági innováció gyenge teljesítményt nyújt. A szakértelem és kompetenciák hiánya a tanácsadói hálózatokra is jellemző, így az innovációs ötletek nem érik el a működési és megvalósítási szintet.

Végső célunk az agrár-élelmiszeripar digitális átalakulásának támogatása, melynek során szolgáltatások nyújtásával, valamint a digitális innovációk fejlesztésének és bevezetésének felgyorsításával versenyképesebbé tesszük az agrár-élelmiszeripari vállalkozásokat régiójukon belül. Segítünk a vállalkozásoknak a kihívások üzletközpontú és szolgáltatás-orientált megoldásában, és igyekszünk elérhetővé tenni a legújabb tudást, szakértelemet és technológiát.

Az innomine fontos kapcsolódási pont a SmartAgriHUBs közösséghez, megosztja annak legjobb gyakorlatait és átadja a nemzetközi hálózat előnyeit a regionális szereplőknek. Az innomine nemcsak továbbítja az információkat, hanem testre szabja és érthető módon fogalmazza meg azokat a helyi szereplők számára.

A hazai és nemzetközi jó gyakorlatok megosztásával igyekszünk bemutatni már alkalmazott példákat, melyből partnereink kiválaszthatják a valóban hatékony megoldásokat. innomine ezzel segít eligazodni a digitális megoldások között, ötletet ad a termelőknek a saját gazdaságuk digitális átállásához.

A 2018-as évek óta több nagyszabású nemzetközi project is foglalkozik az agrár élelmiszer ipar digitalizációjával. A zászlóshajó innovációs kísérletek példaként szolgálnak más innovációs kísérletek számára. Itt valósulnak meg a technológiai megoldások a gyakorlatban. Olyan vállalkozásokat érintenek, amelyek termékeik, folyamatai vagy üzleti modelljeik szempontjából releváns digitális innovációkat és fejlett technológiákat tesztelnek, fejlesztenek és validálnak. Az ilyen projektekben koncepciókat és prototípusokat tesztelnek az agrár-élelmiszeripari szektor digitalizálásának előrehaladása érdekében.

A dél-dunántúli régiót alacsony innovációs beruházások jellemzik, sok lakos nem éri el és nem tudja alkalmazni az innovációkat. Nem rendelkeznek a megfelelő innováció befogadásához és alkalmazásához szükséges tudással, ami megnehezíti a versenyhátrányok leküzdését.

Tapasztalataink azt mutatják, hogy partnereink ismerete a digitális és innovációs érettség szempontjából nagyon fontos. A ProAgro agrár-élelmiszeripari digitális transzformációs eszköz és módszertan segítségével nem csak lépéseket tudunk javasolni a digitalizáció javítására, hanem olyan projekttervekké alakítható igényeket is azonosíthatunk, amelyekkel európai uniós támogatásokat pályázhatnak a vállalkozások.

Innovatív ajánlata vagy digitalizációs megoldása van? Szeretné, hogy egy felhasználó tesztelje vagy validálja őket?

Az agrár-élelmiszeripari ágazatban tevékenykedik és kihívásai vannak vagy megoldásra vanszüksége egy konkrét problémára?

Platformunkon végfelhasználók és szolgáltatók találhatnak megoldást, projektek, technológiák és finanszírozási lehetőségekösszekapcsolásával.



Platformunk fő célja, hogy a mezőgazdaságban vagy az agrár-élelmiszeriparban elkötelezett szereplőket, ezen iparágakhoz kapcsolódó digitalizációs technológiákat és EUs finanszírozási lehetőségeket kapcsoljunk össze. Az első feltétel, kitölteni profilját és igényeit (PROFILE QUEST) Ezután elemezzük az Ön igényeit és felmérjük a lehetőségeket, adatbázisunkban keresünk partnereket és/vagy finanszírozási lehetőségeket projektötletéhez. Szükség esetén online találkozót szervezünk Önnel a további részletekért ésaz ötletek érvényesítése érdekében. Felvesszük Önnel a kapcsolatot ha találunk megfelelő partnert vagy ha finanszírozási lehetőség adódik.

Innomine célja az agrár-élelmiszeripari cégek uniós támogatási részesedésének növelése tanácsadáson, digitális érettségi felmérésen és elemzésen, személyre szabott fejlesztési terv kidolgozásán, valamint hazai és nemzetközi jó gyakorlatok összegyűjtésén keresztül. A Proagro projekt egyik fő célja feltérképezni hazai és nemzetközi finanszírozási lehetőségeket és hozzásegíteni a magyarországi agrár-élelmiszer ipari vállalkozásokat a megfelelő finanszírozási forrásokhoz.

Az agrár-élelmiszeripari vállalkozások uniós támogatása elősegíti digitális átalakulásukat, növeli versenyképességüket és jövedelmezőségüket, segíti a térség innovációs fejlődését.

A fejlődés minden szakaszában a kisvállalkozások nagyobb nehézségekkel küzdenek a finanszírozásért, mint a nagyvállalatok. Ahhoz, hogy versenyképesek maradjanak, mind az induló (start-up), mind a növekvő (scale-up) vállalkozások külső finanszírozásra támaszkodnak az innováció, a digitalizáció, a nemzetközivé válás és a készségfejlesztés terén.

Ahelyett, hogy komoly nemzetközi kapcsolatrendszert és jelentős pályázati tapasztalatot igénylő kiírásokat céloznak meg, a kkv-tulajdonosok és induló vállalkozások harmadik félként finanszírozáshoz juthatnak egy már megvalósuló felhíváson keresztül. Ezek a ’lépcsőzetes finanszírozás’ vagy ’pénzügyi támogatás harmadik feleknek (FSFTP)’ nevű lehetőségek. A Horizont Európa egyes finanszírozott projektjei bizonyos témakörökben költségvetést kapnak egy második felhívás megnyitásához és pénzügyi támogatás nyújtásához harmadik feleknek. E kedvezményezettek némelyike ​​kkv-k, induló vállalkozások, bővülő vállalkozások és közepes kapitalizációjú vállalatok.

A kaszkádfinanszírozás az Európai Bizottság olyan mechanizmusa, amelynek célja a finanszírozás elosztása új vállalatok létrejöttének támogatására és fejlődésük növelésére, új kkv-k vagy közepes kapitalizációjú vállalatok fejlesztésére a digitális innovációs rendszer fejlesztése révén. A lépcsőzetes finanszírozásnak van egy nagyon konkrét célja, hogy leegyszerűsítse a kkv-k adminisztratív folyamatait.

A lépcsőzetes finanszírozás általában a következőkre irányul: pilot projektek, kísérletek és demonstrációk támogatása meghatározott innovatív technológia vagy keretrendszer mentén induló vállalkozások és kkv-k számára; Még több résztvevő integrálása a projektbe. Maga a finanszírozás 50 000 eurótól egészen 150 000 euróig terjed. Az ilyen kiírások nem mindig nyújtanak pénzbeli támogatást. Gyakran utalványokat biztosítanak szolgáltatásokhoz, vagy akár ingyenes hozzáférést és támogatást tesztelési létesítmények használatához.

Az akcelerátorok intenzív és időben korlátozott üzleti támogatást nyújtanak az induló vállalkozások számára, hogy gyorsabban készen álljanak a befektetésre. Az induló vállalkozások általában három fő okból csatlakoznak az akcelerátor programba: finanszírozás, mentorálás és hálózatépítési lehetőségek miatt. Célunk, hogy uniós forrásból finanszírozott inkubátor- vagy akcelerátor programokat találjunk. Ezek a programok jellemzően a következő formákban nyújtanak finanszírozást: indító finanszírozás saját tőke fejében; mentorálás sikeres vállalkozóktól; valamint hálózatépítés társaikkal és iparági vezetőkkel.

Ezen az oldalon rendszeresen frissítjük a Horizon Europe és más közvetlen brüsszeli felhívásokat, valamint a strukturális alapokhoz kapcsolódó kutatás-fejlesztési, innovációs és digitalizációs kiírásokat.


A SmartAgriHubs (SAH) egy 2018-ban indult, 20 millió eurós európai uniós H2020 projekt, amely több, mint 164 partnert egyesít az európai agrár-élelmiszeripari szektorban.

A projekt célja: Az európai agrár-élelmiszeripar digitalizálásának felgyorsítása a minőségre, a fenntarthatóságra és a sikerre összpontosító innovációs rendszerek támogatásával. A projekt középpontjában az agrár-élelmiszeripari szektor végfelhasználói állnak, mint a digitális átalakulás hajtóereje. Az együttműködés induló vállalkozások, kkv-k, üzleti szolgáltatók, technológiai szakértők és végfelhasználók hatalmas hálózatán alapul.

A zászlóshajó projekteket 7 ágazatra – szántó, akvakultúra, gyümölcs, zöldség, tejtermék, állattenyésztés és innovatív élelmiszerek – és 9 földrajzi klaszterre – Egyesült Királyság és Írország; Skandinávia; Franciaország; Északnyugat-Európa; Közép-Európa; Északkelet-Európa; Ibéria; Olaszország és Málta; Délkelet-Európa – osztották. A 28 zászlóshajó innovációs kísérlet elősegíti a mezőgazdaság és az  élelmiszer-ágazat szélesebb körű digitalizálását a tudásátadás és a technológia cseréjének ösztönzésével.


Az Internet of Food & Farm 2020 (IoF2020) projekt az IoT-technológiákban rejlő lehetőségeket tárja fel az európai élelmiszer- és mezőgazdasági ipar számára.

A cél ambiciózus: megvalósítani a precíziós gazdálkodást, és létfontosságú lépést tenni egy fenntarthatóbb élelmiszer-értéklánc felé. Az IoT-technológiák segítségével elérhető közelségbe kerül a magasabb hozam és a jobb minőségű termés. Az IoT-technológiák az élelmiszerek jobb nyomonkövethetőségét is lehetővé teszik, ami fokozott élelmiszerbiztonságot eredményez.


A DEMETER célja, hogy a fejlett IoT-technológiák, az adattudomány és az intelligens gazdálkodás gyors átvételével vezesse az európai agrár-élelmiszeripari ágazat digitális átalakulását, biztosítva annak hosszú távú életképességét és fenntarthatóságát.

  • 18 ország, 20 kísérlet, 60 partner
  • teljes értékláncban (kereslet és kínálat), 25 telepítési helyszín
  • 6000 gazdálkodó és több mint 38.000
  • eszköz és érzékelő

A ProAgro keretében szervezett workshopokon a digitalizáció szükségességét a különböző szektorok szereplői is megerősítették. Tevékenységüket, érveiket, jó gyakorlataikat előadások formájában osztották meg az érdeklődőkkel.

    proagro sikertörténetek

    innomine támogatása által megvalósuló dél -magyarországi innovációs projektek

    “Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME” – Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt.

    Ez az innovációs projekt egy dél-magyarországi sörfőzde akkumulációs csomagolósorára fókuszál. A gyárban különálló gépek szállítószalagokkal vannak összekötve. A gépeket a szalagok előtt és után elhelyezett érzékelők szabályozzák, a szalagok terhelése függvényében indítják be vagy szakítják meg a működést. A modellezési és szimulációs technológia használatával a projekt a működés harmonizálását célozza, hogy javítsa a gyártás hatékonyságát, a termékminőséget, csökkentse a közüzemi fogyasztást és a karbantartási költségeket. A pasztőrözési folyamat gazdaságosabb és hatékonyabb optimalizálását célzó projekt uniós támogatást nyert. A projekt megvalósítása után fontos cél a tudás megosztása, valamint a tudás és technológia átadása más szektorok számára. A know-how átadható borászatoknak és pincészeteknek is.

    innomine által nyújtott szolgáltatások

    1. A pályázati lehetőség felkutatása és bemutatása

    innomine rendszeresen azonosít nyílt pályázatokat a következő témákban: az agrár-élelmiszeripari digitalizációja; Intelligens megoldások az agrár-élelmiszeriparban és ICT/DATA az agrár-élelmiszeriparban. A dedikált workshopokon bemutatjuk ezeket a nyílt felhívásokat és finanszírozási lehetőségeket, részletesen ismertetve a felhívás fókuszát, a jogosultsági feltételeket és a finanszírozási arányokat.

    Ebben a konkrét esetben a BOWI „Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs” nyílt felhívás egy workshop keretében került bemutatásra, ahol a Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt is részt vett.


    1. A részvételi jogosultság és a projektötlet validálása

    A pályázati felhívásokat bemutató workshopokon fejlesztési igények, új projektötletek merülnek fel. Gondoskodnunk kell arról, hogy a pályázó vállakozás és az ötlet is jogosult legyen a kiírásra. Ezért egy személyes interjún ezt megvizsgáljuk, a fejlesztési ötleteket a felhívás kiírásának megfelelően alakítjuk.


    1. Matchmaking

    innomine jelentős adatbázissal és agrár-élelmiszeripari vállalatok és technológiai szolgáltatók kiterjedt hálózatával rendelkezik. Ez szolgál alapul a projektötletek, technológiák és partnerek (keresleti és kínálati oldal) összekötéséhez. Vállalkozásokat és technológiákat kapcsolunk össze, hogy a legjobb konzorciumot hozzuk létre a felhíváshoz.

    A Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt.-t egy műszaki szolgáltatóval ismertettük meg, aki modellezési és szimulációs technológiával képes kidolgozni a project és a vállakozás számára legmegfelelőbb megoldást.


    1. A pályázat elkészítése, a project megvalósítása

    A pályázat kiválasztása és a konzorcium összeállítása után, az innomine szakértői segítenek a pályázati folyamatban is. Ebben a projektben segítettünk a pályázat megírásában és együttműködünk a kivitelezésben és a megvalósításban, valamint tanácsot adunk a projektmenedzsmenttel kapcsolatban.


    1. Eredmények terjesztése

    A jó példák és a legjobb gyakorlatok megosztása nagyon fontos. A tudásmegosztás rendkívül fontos az agrár-élelmiszeripari ágazat innovációinak növelése, racionalizálása és alkalmazása, a tudás javítása, valamint az innovációhoz való hozzáférés és finanszírozás szempontjából. Ahhoz, hogy az innovatív kkv-k uniós forrásból finanszírozhassák tevékenységeiket, ismertetni kell az elérhető felhívásokat, és meg kell tanítanunk őket arra, hogyan érhetnek el sikereket az EU-s felhívások világában. A legjobb módszer a sikertörténetek megosztása, és támogatni, hogy a sikeres vállalatok megosszák saját tapasztalataikat és tanulságaikat.

    A Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt. több workshopra is meghívást kapott projektjének bemutatására, tapasztalataik, a buktatók és a jó gyakorlatok megosztására.

    Dolgozzunk együtt!

    Segítjük a növekedésedet! Írj nekünk és változtassuk mega jövőt együtt!


    (+36) 30 198 2838

    1028 Budapest, Széll Kálmán tér 11.

    Kövess minket

    Leading communication and dissemination activities of IRSUS and create the IRSUS Website with a portfolio of projects
    Platform management/expertise
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups to reach the market faster with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through the road to market. Innomine built a concise platform to organise the IRSUS portfolio of companies, who were selected in the frame of Open Calls. The companies with the highest business potential were selected as members of the portfolio, with the aim to be introduced towards potential investors, and especially to widen their network.  Innomine created and maintained the platform and the project portfolio.
    Platform management/expertise
    Leading communication and dissemination activities of IRSUS and create the IRSUS Website with a portfolio of projects
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups to reach the market faster with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through the road to market. Innomine built a concise platform to organise the IRSUS portfolio of companies, who were selected in the frame of Open Calls. The companies with the highest business potential were selected as members of the portfolio, with the aim to be introduced towards potential investors, and especially to widen their network.  Innomine created and maintained the platform and the project portfolio.
    Provide trainings and webinars for start-ups of high innovation potential and organise Open Calls
    Trainings, workshops, webinars
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups to reach the market faster with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through their road to market. As a result of the project partner’s outreach, and the lead of Innomine on communication and dissemination on start-ups and SMEs, two open calls were successfully organised. IRSUS ensured the selection of the projects of the highest business potential, and provided trainings and webinars for start-ups, among in the field of fundraising, business planning, pitching, marketing, evaluation of their business potential, that could help these start-ups on a long run. Besides these trainings, IRSUS organised networking events among the selected projects.
    Trainings, workshops, webinars
    Provide trainings and webinars for start-ups of high innovation potential and organise Open Calls
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups to reach the market faster with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through their road to market. As a result of the project partner’s outreach, and the lead of Innomine on communication and dissemination on start-ups and SMEs, two open calls were successfully organised. IRSUS ensured the selection of the projects of the highest business potential, and provided trainings and webinars for start-ups, among in the field of fundraising, business planning, pitching, marketing, evaluation of their business potential, that could help these start-ups on a long run. Besides these trainings, IRSUS organised networking events among the selected projects.
    Leading communication and dissemination activities of IRSUS
    Communication and dissemination of research results
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups (already funded by the European Commission) to reach the market with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through their road to market. Thanks to IRSUS partner’s wide outreach, and especially Innomine’s lead on communication and dissemination on start-ups and SMEs, the project ensured a wide coverage of the project’s communication activities all over Europe. As a result, close to 200 promising start-ups from all over Europe directly benefited from IRSUS support, to successfully drive their way to markets and to reach commercial exploitation.
    Communication and dissemination of research results
    Leading communication and dissemination activities of IRSUS
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups (already funded by the European Commission) to reach the market with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through their road to market. Thanks to IRSUS partner’s wide outreach, and especially Innomine’s lead on communication and dissemination on start-ups and SMEs, the project ensured a wide coverage of the project’s communication activities all over Europe. As a result, close to 200 promising start-ups from all over Europe directly benefited from IRSUS support, to successfully drive their way to markets and to reach commercial exploitation.
    Leading communication and dissemination activities of IRSUS and provide services on networking, fundraising, training
    Research-industry matchmaking
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups (already funded by the European Commission) to reach the market with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through their road to market by providing fundraising, training and networking services, to create synergies between industry and academia. As a result, the services provided towards the project partners helped start-ups to develop their technology in align with the needs of the industry, by involving academic support. As a result, close to 200 promising start-ups from all over Europe directly benefited from IRSUS support, to successfully drive their way to markets and to reach commercial exploitation.
    Research-industry matchmaking
    Leading communication and dissemination activities of IRSUS and provide services on networking, fundraising, training
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups (already funded by the European Commission) to reach the market with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through their road to market by providing fundraising, training and networking services, to create synergies between industry and academia. As a result, the services provided towards the project partners helped start-ups to develop their technology in align with the needs of the industry, by involving academic support. As a result, close to 200 promising start-ups from all over Europe directly benefited from IRSUS support, to successfully drive their way to markets and to reach commercial exploitation.
    Organising Open Calls and build the IRSUS community and portfolio of start-ups
    Developing and managing innovation ecosystems
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups to reach the market faster with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through the road to market. The concise evaluation and selection process of IRSUS ensured the selection of almost 200 projects, from 29 countries, of which the IRSUS portfolio of the highest business potential was created. The companies participating in IRSUS portfolio already received funding from the EC, and they utilised IRSUS services for further development, especially including fundraising, networking, promotions and trainings.
    Developing and managing innovation ecosystems
    Organising Open Calls and build the IRSUS community and portfolio of start-ups
    IRSUS bridged the gaps faced by start-ups to reach the market faster with a feasible, viable and attractive business case and strategy for users, clients, partners, and investors. IRSUS supported start-ups through the road to market. The concise evaluation and selection process of IRSUS ensured the selection of almost 200 projects, from 29 countries, of which the IRSUS portfolio of the highest business potential was created. The companies participating in IRSUS portfolio already received funding from the EC, and they utilised IRSUS services for further development, especially including fundraising, networking, promotions and trainings.
    Connecting research with industry: organisation of open calls and developing business cases
    Boosting digitalisation of SMEs
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine had the role to connect research with industry by organising two successful open calls, and identified SMEs, that utilised the softwares and supported the uptake of research. As a result of innomine’s support, business cases were developed, that utilised NEANIAS services. Innomine provided individual business coaching and analysis on their business potential to each business case.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Boosting digitalisation of SMEs
    Connecting research with industry: organisation of open calls and developing business cases
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine had the role to connect research with industry by organising two successful open calls, and identified SMEs, that utilised the softwares and supported the uptake of research. As a result of innomine’s support, business cases were developed, that utilised NEANIAS services. Innomine provided individual business coaching and analysis on their business potential to each business case.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Innomine reached out to potential users of the technologies developed in the Space, Atmospheric and Underwater research fields
    Mobilising the CEE SME ecosystem, community building
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine had the role to connect research with industry by organising two successful open calls, and identified SMEs, that utilised the softwares and supported the uptake of research. Innomine mobilised its wide DIH network, especially reaching out to SMEs, in diversified fields of disciplines and collected 20+ SMEs intended to integrate the services of NEANIAS in their normal work. Besides identifying these SMEs, innomine acted as an intermediator to connect and find collaboration points between the scientific and industrial actors.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Mobilising the CEE SME ecosystem, community building
    Innomine reached out to potential users of the technologies developed in the Space, Atmospheric and Underwater research fields
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine had the role to connect research with industry by organising two successful open calls, and identified SMEs, that utilised the softwares and supported the uptake of research. Innomine mobilised its wide DIH network, especially reaching out to SMEs, in diversified fields of disciplines and collected 20+ SMEs intended to integrate the services of NEANIAS in their normal work. Besides identifying these SMEs, innomine acted as an intermediator to connect and find collaboration points between the scientific and industrial actors.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Open Call management
    Public funding awareness, open call management
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine mobilised its European ecosystem, and successfully organised two Open Calls, to support the utilisation of Atmospheric, Underwater and Space technologies in diversified fields of disciplines. Besides the administrative tasks, innomine additionally offered to the potential applicants and organised face-to-face discussions between the applicants and the scientific actors of NEANIAS to create the possible project and develop business cases.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Public funding awareness, open call management
    Open Call management
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine mobilised its European ecosystem, and successfully organised two Open Calls, to support the utilisation of Atmospheric, Underwater and Space technologies in diversified fields of disciplines. Besides the administrative tasks, innomine additionally offered to the potential applicants and organised face-to-face discussions between the applicants and the scientific actors of NEANIAS to create the possible project and develop business cases.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Innomine organised Open Innovation Workshops to support the development of NEANIAS services by the involvement of end-users
    Trainings, workshops, webinars
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine, with the Open Innovation workshops organised in person, boosted the further development of services by facilitating the involvement of end-users. The aim of these workshops was the introduction of NEANIAS services, followed by testing.  Based on the feedbacks provided by the end-users, the experts fine-tuned their services, to be in align with the user’s requirements. Innomine organised and facilitated these workshops, to achieve the further development of the services in align with the needs of the end-users.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Trainings, workshops, webinars
    Innomine organised Open Innovation Workshops to support the development of NEANIAS services by the involvement of end-users
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine, with the Open Innovation workshops organised in person, boosted the further development of services by facilitating the involvement of end-users. The aim of these workshops was the introduction of NEANIAS services, followed by testing.  Based on the feedbacks provided by the end-users, the experts fine-tuned their services, to be in align with the user’s requirements. Innomine organised and facilitated these workshops, to achieve the further development of the services in align with the needs of the end-users.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Innomine connected industry with academia to support the uptake of NEANIAS services
    Exploitation and commercialisation of research results
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine, with the Open Innovation workshops organised in person, boosted the further development of services by facilitating the involvement of end-users. The aim of these workshops was the introduction of NEANIAS services, followed by testing. User-involvement took place in the frame of Open Calls, by potential SME-s involved in the testing and utilisation of services, so that they can take up the technologies and utilise them in industrial environment. As a result, six business cases have been developed, and further companies collected and an industrial ecosystem built around NEANIAS, that can potentially utilise the services further.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Exploitation and commercialisation of research results
    Innomine connected industry with academia to support the uptake of NEANIAS services
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine, with the Open Innovation workshops organised in person, boosted the further development of services by facilitating the involvement of end-users. The aim of these workshops was the introduction of NEANIAS services, followed by testing. User-involvement took place in the frame of Open Calls, by potential SME-s involved in the testing and utilisation of services, so that they can take up the technologies and utilise them in industrial environment. As a result, six business cases have been developed, and further companies collected and an industrial ecosystem built around NEANIAS, that can potentially utilise the services further.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Innomine utilised its network in the communication and dissemination of research results with the aim to collect potential applicants for the Open Calls and organise Open Innovation Workshops
    Communication and dissemination of research results
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine, in collaboration with NEANIAS partners mobilised its European ecosystem, disseminated the project results, and successfully organised two Open Calls, to support the utilisation of Atmospheric, Underwater and Space technologies in diversified fields of disciplines. Innomine, especially to collect potential end-users to utilise NEANIAS services, created a very intense dissemination campaign, to attract end-users for Open Innovation workshops organised in person and to explain the added values of NEANIAS services towards the audience.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Communication and dissemination of research results
    Innomine utilised its network in the communication and dissemination of research results with the aim to collect potential applicants for the Open Calls and organise Open Innovation Workshops
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine, in collaboration with NEANIAS partners mobilised its European ecosystem, disseminated the project results, and successfully organised two Open Calls, to support the utilisation of Atmospheric, Underwater and Space technologies in diversified fields of disciplines. Innomine, especially to collect potential end-users to utilise NEANIAS services, created a very intense dissemination campaign, to attract end-users for Open Innovation workshops organised in person and to explain the added values of NEANIAS services towards the audience.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Connecting academy with industry to support the utilisation of NEANIAS services by organising Open Calls and Open Innovation workshops
    Research-industry matchmaking
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine, with the Open Innovation workshops organised in person, boosted the further development of services by facilitating the involvement of end-users. The aim of these workshops was the introduction of NEANIAS services, followed by testing. User-involvement took place in the frame of Open Calls, by potential SME-s involved in the testing and utilisation of services, so that they can take up the technologies and utilise them in industrial environment. As a result, six business cases have been developed, and further companies collected and an industrial ecosystem built around NEANIAS scientific experts, that can potentially utilise the services further.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges
    Research-industry matchmaking
    Connecting academy with industry to support the utilisation of NEANIAS services by organising Open Calls and Open Innovation workshops
    NEANIAS Project created 12+ novel services, softwares in the Underwater, Atmospheric and Space thematic areas, by involving relevant industrial actors in its testing and development. Innomine, with the Open Innovation workshops organised in person, boosted the further development of services by facilitating the involvement of end-users. The aim of these workshops was the introduction of NEANIAS services, followed by testing. User-involvement took place in the frame of Open Calls, by potential SME-s involved in the testing and utilisation of services, so that they can take up the technologies and utilise them in industrial environment. As a result, six business cases have been developed, and further companies collected and an industrial ecosystem built around NEANIAS scientific experts, that can potentially utilise the services further.
    NEANIAS - Novel EOSC Services for Emerging Atmosphere, Underwater & Space Challenges


    • AI REGIO - GreenPET experiment – monitoring and controlling eco-friendly quality of the PET bottle manufacturing process using DATA4AI platform
    Creating the dissemination and exploitation plan of the experiment, dissemination activities
    The goal of the GreenPet experiment, implemented in the frame of the AI Regio Project was to develop a software-hardware infrastructure for enabling a comprehensive monitoring, analysis and control of the eco-friendly quality of the PET bottle manufacturing process, through focusing on two main factors, which also define its environmental footprint: Energy and Emission. The system should be flexible and open for extensions, like introducing sensors for waste management (like camera-based visual quality inspection). Innomine, leading the dissemination activities of the GreenPET experiment ensured the outreach towards PET bottle manufacturers and vendors, especially in the CEE region. The aim was to foster the use of GreenPET technology at manufacturing companies, in order to make their process more sustainable by using less resources and creating less waste during production.
    Creating the dissemination and exploitation plan of the experiment, dissemination activities
    The goal of the GreenPet experiment, implemented in the frame of the AI Regio Project was to develop a software-hardware infrastructure for enabling a comprehensive monitoring, analysis and control of the eco-friendly quality of the PET bottle manufacturing process, through focusing on two main factors, which also define its environmental footprint: Energy and Emission. The system should be flexible and open for extensions, like introducing sensors for waste management (like camera-based visual quality inspection). Innomine, leading the dissemination activities of the GreenPET experiment ensured the outreach towards PET bottle manufacturers and vendors, especially in the CEE region. The aim was to foster the use of GreenPET technology at manufacturing companies, in order to make their process more sustainable by using less resources and creating less waste during production.


    • AI REGIO - GreenPET experiment – monitoring and controlling eco-friendly quality of the PET bottle manufacturing process using DATA4AI platform


    • AI REGIO - GreenPET experiment – monitoring and controlling eco-friendly quality of the PET bottle manufacturing process using DATA4AI platform
    Creating the dissemination and exploitation plan of the experiment, dissemination activities
    Green Deal
    GreenPet is a software-hardware infrastructure for enabling a comprehensive monitoring, analysis and control of the eco-friendly quality of the PET bottle manufacturing process, through focusing on two main factors, which also define its environmental footprint: Energy and Emission. The system should be flexible and open for extensions, like introducing sensors for waste management (like camera-based visual quality inspection). Innomine, mobilising PET bottle manufacturers and vendors, especially in the CEE region contributed to achieve Green Deal objectives. Innomine supported dissemination towards the use of GreenPET technology at manufacturing companies, to turn manufacturing processes more sustainable and contribute to Green Deal objectives for better gathering and sharing of data to improve access to and exchange of knowledge on climate impacts.
    Green Deal
    Creating the dissemination and exploitation plan of the experiment, dissemination activities
    GreenPet is a software-hardware infrastructure for enabling a comprehensive monitoring, analysis and control of the eco-friendly quality of the PET bottle manufacturing process, through focusing on two main factors, which also define its environmental footprint: Energy and Emission. The system should be flexible and open for extensions, like introducing sensors for waste management (like camera-based visual quality inspection). Innomine, mobilising PET bottle manufacturers and vendors, especially in the CEE region contributed to achieve Green Deal objectives. Innomine supported dissemination towards the use of GreenPET technology at manufacturing companies, to turn manufacturing processes more sustainable and contribute to Green Deal objectives for better gathering and sharing of data to improve access to and exchange of knowledge on climate impacts.


    • AI REGIO - GreenPET experiment – monitoring and controlling eco-friendly quality of the PET bottle manufacturing process using DATA4AI platform


    Optimising agri-food projects with the tools of digitalisation and digital transformation, by utilising i4.0 technologies – Validating project ideas, identifying funding opportunities, matchmaking partners, supporting proposal preparation
    Industry 4.0
    ProAgro introduces digital solutions, encourage their use, support access to resources, explore and present direct EU funding opportunities, and transfer national and international good practices to local businesses. With the initiative, innomine is putting agri-food businesses in a position to succeed, helps businesses address their challenges in a business-centric and service-oriented way.

    In the project period of 1-year Innomine provided services to many agri-food SMEs concerning the overall life cycle of a project, from scouting of opportunities, proposal writing, initiation, definition and design, to development, implementation and follow up. Also, we have facilitated and informed individuals or enterprises about the process of arranging access to different funding sources (private or public) and supported them with developing proposals, thus promoted the growth of entrepreneurs, start-ups as well as established companies by exploiting growth and investment opportunities.

    As a result, below innovation projects were supported by Innomine 

    Title: Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME - Pécsi Sörfőzde 

    Technology used: Modelling and simulationThis innovation project focuses on an accumulation packaging line of a South Hungarian brewery- Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt. The separate machines are connected with conveyors. The machines run in a stop and go modus. Before and after the machine sensors detect the load on the conveyors and switches the machines. By using the modelling and simulation technology the project targets a harmonization of the single machine operation to a regulated operation to improve line efficiency, product quality, reduce utility consumption and maintenance cost. The project aiming to optimize the pasteurization process to be more economical and efficient won an EU funding. After the implementation of the project, an important goal is to share knowledge and transfer knowledge and technology to other sectors. The know-how can also be transferred to wineries.

    Title: BeerPredictor - A predictive tool for breweries to optimize the beer mashing process
    Technology used: Modelling and simulationTechnical implementer – digital solution provider: EN-CO Software Zrt.; technical partner specializing in data analysis: DEODAT 21 Bt.; end-user manufacturer: Karlwood Kft., a drink manufacturing company from Miskolc. 

    Title: Optimising food freezing methods with digital twin technology
    Technology used: digital twinTechnical implementer – digital solution provider: Seacon Europe Kft ; end-user manufacturer: Halker Kft.,

    Innomine services:
    I. Generation and validation of project idea; identification of funding opportunity, selection of best fitting call; matchmaking of partners (supply and demand) and finalization of consortium; support in proposal writing
    Industry 4.0
    Optimising agri-food projects with the tools of digitalisation and digital transformation, by utilising i4.0 technologies – Validating project ideas, identifying funding opportunities, matchmaking partners, supporting proposal preparation


    ProAgro introduces digital solutions, encourage their use, support access to resources, explore and present direct EU funding opportunities, and transfer national and international good practices to local businesses. With the initiative, innomine is putting agri-food businesses in a position to succeed, helps businesses address their challenges in a business-centric and service-oriented way.

    In the project period of 1-year Innomine provided services to many agri-food SMEs concerning the overall life cycle of a project, from scouting of opportunities, proposal writing, initiation, definition and design, to development, implementation and follow up. Also, we have facilitated and informed individuals or enterprises about the process of arranging access to different funding sources (private or public) and supported them with developing proposals, thus promoted the growth of entrepreneurs, start-ups as well as established companies by exploiting growth and investment opportunities.

    As a result, below innovation projects were supported by Innomine 

    Title: Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME - Pécsi Sörfőzde 

    Technology used: Modelling and simulationThis innovation project focuses on an accumulation packaging line of a South Hungarian brewery- Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt. The separate machines are connected with conveyors. The machines run in a stop and go modus. Before and after the machine sensors detect the load on the conveyors and switches the machines. By using the modelling and simulation technology the project targets a harmonization of the single machine operation to a regulated operation to improve line efficiency, product quality, reduce utility consumption and maintenance cost. The project aiming to optimize the pasteurization process to be more economical and efficient won an EU funding. After the implementation of the project, an important goal is to share knowledge and transfer knowledge and technology to other sectors. The know-how can also be transferred to wineries.

    Title: BeerPredictor - A predictive tool for breweries to optimize the beer mashing process
    Technology used: Modelling and simulationTechnical implementer – digital solution provider: EN-CO Software Zrt.; technical partner specializing in data analysis: DEODAT 21 Bt.; end-user manufacturer: Karlwood Kft., a drink manufacturing company from Miskolc. 

    Title: Optimising food freezing methods with digital twin technology
    Technology used: digital twinTechnical implementer – digital solution provider: Seacon Europe Kft ; end-user manufacturer: Halker Kft.,

    Innomine services:
    I. Generation and validation of project idea; identification of funding opportunity, selection of best fitting call; matchmaking of partners (supply and demand) and finalization of consortium; support in proposal writing


    Support to fond investment – Mapping and matching funding opportunities based on needs and digital assessments
    Public funding awareness
    The ultimate goal of the ProAgro project was to support the digital transformation of the agri-food industry, in which Innomine made agri-food businesses more competitive within our region by providing services and accelerating the development and deployment of digital innovations.
    The project aimed to introduce and demonstrate agri-food companies' opportunities for EU fundings through advice and digital maturity assessment, evaluation of the analysis, the development of a personalized action plan and the collection of national and international good practices. 
    Two things are essential for successfully help agri-food businesses in Hungary with EU funding: 1. knowing the partners, 2. being aware of financial sources. Therefore, our approach was:

    I. Supporting agri-food SMEs and start-ups:
    • Consultancy and assessment of digital maturity, needs of farmers and agri-food SMEs 
    • Analysis of the surveys, assessments and interviews, collection of good practices at national and international level and creation of a customized needs action plan based in terms of the farmer’s and SMEs current digital maturity and operational efficiency. 

    II. Access to finance
    • Identification and connection to suitable funding sources by creating a map of the available national and international funding possibilities.
    III. Online or onsite consultations on the suitable and available national and private funding opportunities identified
    By profiling the partners using the agricultural and food digital transformation tool developed in the ProAgro project we got a good idea of the level of maturity of the partners, not only in terms of digitization but also in terms of application capabilities. The survey showed the companies project ideas and their capabilities of implementation. We became aware of the level of the company in the requirements for international applications (eg minimum English language skills). Our already established network and the conducted agri- and food digital maturity tool and methodology allowed us to identify digitalization related project ideas and to create a pool of partners able to apply for EC calls or other international fundings.

    As a results, in the 1 year project period we were able to bring in 3 partners into a Horizon Europe call, selected, validated and submitted 7 proposals to different cascade funding calls (Demeter, BOWI, Digitbrain).

    Our results show that knowing our partners in term of digital and innovation maturity is very important. By using the ProAgro agri-food digital transformation tool and methodology, we can not only suggest steps to improve digitization, but also identify needs that can be turned into project plans that can be a good topic for EU cascade funding. Innomine DIH continues to help national and international agri-food businesses to address their challenges in a business-centric and service-oriented way, and making available to any business to access the latest knowledge, expertise and technology.
    Public funding awareness
    Support to fond investment – Mapping and matching funding opportunities based on needs and digital assessments


    The ultimate goal of the ProAgro project was to support the digital transformation of the agri-food industry, in which Innomine made agri-food businesses more competitive within our region by providing services and accelerating the development and deployment of digital innovations.
    The project aimed to introduce and demonstrate agri-food companies' opportunities for EU fundings through advice and digital maturity assessment, evaluation of the analysis, the development of a personalized action plan and the collection of national and international good practices. 
    Two things are essential for successfully help agri-food businesses in Hungary with EU funding: 1. knowing the partners, 2. being aware of financial sources. Therefore, our approach was:

    I. Supporting agri-food SMEs and start-ups:
    • Consultancy and assessment of digital maturity, needs of farmers and agri-food SMEs 
    • Analysis of the surveys, assessments and interviews, collection of good practices at national and international level and creation of a customized needs action plan based in terms of the farmer’s and SMEs current digital maturity and operational efficiency. 

    II. Access to finance
    • Identification and connection to suitable funding sources by creating a map of the available national and international funding possibilities.
    III. Online or onsite consultations on the suitable and available national and private funding opportunities identified
    By profiling the partners using the agricultural and food digital transformation tool developed in the ProAgro project we got a good idea of the level of maturity of the partners, not only in terms of digitization but also in terms of application capabilities. The survey showed the companies project ideas and their capabilities of implementation. We became aware of the level of the company in the requirements for international applications (eg minimum English language skills). Our already established network and the conducted agri- and food digital maturity tool and methodology allowed us to identify digitalization related project ideas and to create a pool of partners able to apply for EC calls or other international fundings.

    As a results, in the 1 year project period we were able to bring in 3 partners into a Horizon Europe call, selected, validated and submitted 7 proposals to different cascade funding calls (Demeter, BOWI, Digitbrain).

    Our results show that knowing our partners in term of digital and innovation maturity is very important. By using the ProAgro agri-food digital transformation tool and methodology, we can not only suggest steps to improve digitization, but also identify needs that can be turned into project plans that can be a good topic for EU cascade funding. Innomine DIH continues to help national and international agri-food businesses to address their challenges in a business-centric and service-oriented way, and making available to any business to access the latest knowledge, expertise and technology.


    Support to fond investment – Mapping and matching funding opportunities based on needs and digital assessments
    Boosting digitalisation of SMEs
    The ultimate goal of the ProAgro project was to support the digital transformation of the agri-food industry, in which Innomine made agri-food businesses more competitive within our region by providing services and accelerating the development and deployment of digital innovations.
    The project aimed to introduce and demonstrate agri-food companies' opportunities for EU fundings through advice and digital maturity assessment, evaluation of the analysis, the development of a personalized action plan and the collection of national and international good practices. 
    Two things are essential for successfully help agri-food businesses in Hungary with EU funding: 1. knowing the partners, 2. being aware of financial sources. Therefore, our approach was:

    I. Supporting agri-food SMEs and start-ups:
    • Consultancy and assessment of digital maturity, needs of farmers and agri-food SMEs 
    • Analysis of the surveys, assessments and interviews, collection of good practices at national and international level and creation of a customized needs action plan based in terms of the farmer’s and SMEs current digital maturity and operational efficiency. 

    II. Access to finance
    • Identification and connection to suitable funding sources by creating a map of the available national and international funding possibilities.
    III. Online or onsite consultations on the suitable and available national and private funding opportunities identified
    By profiling the partners using the agricultural and food digital transformation tool developed in the ProAgro project we got a good idea of the level of maturity of the partners, not only in terms of digitization but also in terms of application capabilities. The survey showed the companies project ideas and their capabilities of implementation. We became aware of the level of the company in the requirements for international applications (eg minimum English language skills). Our already established network and the conducted agri- and food digital maturity tool and methodology allowed us to identify digitalization related project ideas and to create a pool of partners able to apply for EC calls or other international fundings.

    As a results, in the 1 year project period we were able to bring in 3 partners into a Horizon Europe call, selected, validated and submitted 7 proposals to different cascade funding calls (Demeter, BOWI, Digitbrain).

    Our results show that knowing our partners in term of digital and innovation maturity is very important. By using the ProAgro agri-food digital transformation tool and methodology, we can not only suggest steps to improve digitization, but also identify needs that can be turned into project plans that can be a good topic for EU cascade funding. Innomine DIH continues to help national and international agri-food businesses to address their challenges in a business-centric and service-oriented way, and making available to any business to access the latest knowledge, expertise and technology.
    Boosting digitalisation of SMEs
    Support to fond investment – Mapping and matching funding opportunities based on needs and digital assessments


    The ultimate goal of the ProAgro project was to support the digital transformation of the agri-food industry, in which Innomine made agri-food businesses more competitive within our region by providing services and accelerating the development and deployment of digital innovations.
    The project aimed to introduce and demonstrate agri-food companies' opportunities for EU fundings through advice and digital maturity assessment, evaluation of the analysis, the development of a personalized action plan and the collection of national and international good practices. 
    Two things are essential for successfully help agri-food businesses in Hungary with EU funding: 1. knowing the partners, 2. being aware of financial sources. Therefore, our approach was:

    I. Supporting agri-food SMEs and start-ups:
    • Consultancy and assessment of digital maturity, needs of farmers and agri-food SMEs 
    • Analysis of the surveys, assessments and interviews, collection of good practices at national and international level and creation of a customized needs action plan based in terms of the farmer’s and SMEs current digital maturity and operational efficiency. 

    II. Access to finance
    • Identification and connection to suitable funding sources by creating a map of the available national and international funding possibilities.
    III. Online or onsite consultations on the suitable and available national and private funding opportunities identified
    By profiling the partners using the agricultural and food digital transformation tool developed in the ProAgro project we got a good idea of the level of maturity of the partners, not only in terms of digitization but also in terms of application capabilities. The survey showed the companies project ideas and their capabilities of implementation. We became aware of the level of the company in the requirements for international applications (eg minimum English language skills). Our already established network and the conducted agri- and food digital maturity tool and methodology allowed us to identify digitalization related project ideas and to create a pool of partners able to apply for EC calls or other international fundings.

    As a results, in the 1 year project period we were able to bring in 3 partners into a Horizon Europe call, selected, validated and submitted 7 proposals to different cascade funding calls (Demeter, BOWI, Digitbrain).

    Our results show that knowing our partners in term of digital and innovation maturity is very important. By using the ProAgro agri-food digital transformation tool and methodology, we can not only suggest steps to improve digitization, but also identify needs that can be turned into project plans that can be a good topic for EU cascade funding. Innomine DIH continues to help national and international agri-food businesses to address their challenges in a business-centric and service-oriented way, and making available to any business to access the latest knowledge, expertise and technology.
    Experiment management and coordination
    Boosting digitalisation of SMEs
    Within the BOWI project, innomine's main task was to manage the implementation of 4 Hungarian SME projects for 10 months (2022.05.15 - 2023.03.15.).

    The 4 projects (experiments) were aimed at introducing or further developing innovativ technologies:
    CAADEX Kft.:
    CAADEX Production Optimization System Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt: Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME - Pecsi Sorfozde
    KONETIK: Fleet electrification with an ML-based charging plan EN-CO Software Zrt: Development of a fully-fledged, automated bin-picking solution During the 10 months innomine continuously monitored the progress of the projects, if a problem occurred, supported the SME in the solution, connected the companies with the BOWI consortium, helped to communicate with them. We also supported the preparation of the reports and documents that the 4 companies were required to prepare, checked them before submission and advised on modifications where necessary.

    All 4 projects were completed successfully and on time, all were accepted by the BOWI consortium without exception. Thanks to the digital solutions implemented or improved, all 4 companies have since been able to operate more efficiently, and their names have been recognised internationally thanks to the project.
    BOWI - connecting digital innovation hubs and SMEs in the discovery of advanced digital solutions
    Boosting digitalisation of SMEs
    Experiment management and coordination
    BOWI - connecting digital innovation hubs and SMEs in the discovery of advanced digital solutions



    • TNO
    • FundingBox
    • VTT
    • Krakow Technology Park
    • Transilvania IT Cluster
    • Aachen University
    • ICT Cluster Bulgaria
    • Latvian IT Cluster 
    • Civitta
    • NTNU
    • University of West Bohemia

    DIH network:

    • DIH TECHNICOM – University Science Park TECHNICOM on behalf of the Technical University of Košice (Szlovákia)
    • Innomine DIH – South Transdanubian branch (Magyarország)
    • Blue European Digital Innovation Hub (Horvátország)
    • Futures of Innovation and Technology Digital Innovation Hub (Románia)
    • Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub (Litvánia)
    • Centre 4.0 Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Ukrajna)
    • Hub For Digital Innovations (Csehország)
    • Belgrade Robotics Hub (Szerbia)
    • Advanced Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub (Litvánia)


    - 4 Hungarian companies we mentored and supported for 10 months as part of the BOWI project:

    • CAADEX Kft
    • Pécsi Sördőzde Zrt
    • EN-CO Software Zrt
    • KONETIK GmbH
    Within the BOWI project, innomine's main task was to manage the implementation of 4 Hungarian SME projects for 10 months (2022.05.15 - 2023.03.15.).

    The 4 projects (experiments) were aimed at introducing or further developing innovativ technologies:
    CAADEX Kft.:
    CAADEX Production Optimization System Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt: Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME - Pecsi Sorfozde
    KONETIK: Fleet electrification with an ML-based charging plan EN-CO Software Zrt: Development of a fully-fledged, automated bin-picking solution During the 10 months innomine continuously monitored the progress of the projects, if a problem occurred, supported the SME in the solution, connected the companies with the BOWI consortium, helped to communicate with them. We also supported the preparation of the reports and documents that the 4 companies were required to prepare, checked them before submission and advised on modifications where necessary.

    All 4 projects were completed successfully and on time, all were accepted by the BOWI consortium without exception. Thanks to the digital solutions implemented or improved, all 4 companies have since been able to operate more efficiently, and their names have been recognised internationally thanks to the project.
    Experiment management and coordination
    Digital manufacturing
    Within the BOWI project, innomine's main task was to manage the implementation of 4 Hungarian SME projects for 10 months (2022.05.15 - 2023.03.15.).

    The 4 projects (experiments) were aimed at introducing or further developing innovativ technologies:
    CAADEX Kft.:
    CAADEX Production Optimization System Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt: Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME - Pecsi Sorfozde
    KONETIK: Fleet electrification with an ML-based charging plan EN-CO Software Zrt: Development of a fully-fledged, automated bin-picking solution During the 10 months innomine continuously monitored the progress of the projects, if a problem occurred, supported the SME in the solution, connected the companies with the BOWI consortium, helped to communicate with them. We also supported the preparation of the reports and documents that the 4 companies were required to prepare, checked them before submission and advised on modifications where necessary.

    All 4 projects were completed successfully and on time, all were accepted by the BOWI consortium without exception. Thanks to the digital solutions implemented or improved, all 4 companies have since been able to operate more efficiently, and their names have been recognised internationally thanks to the project.
    BOWI - connecting digital innovation hubs and SMEs in the discovery of advanced digital solutions
    Digital manufacturing
    Experiment management and coordination
    BOWI - connecting digital innovation hubs and SMEs in the discovery of advanced digital solutions



    • TNO
    • FundingBox
    • VTT
    • Krakow Technology Park
    • Transilvania IT Cluster
    • Aachen University
    • ICT Cluster Bulgaria
    • Latvian IT Cluster 
    • Civitta
    • NTNU
    • University of West Bohemia

    DIH network:

    • DIH TECHNICOM – University Science Park TECHNICOM on behalf of the Technical University of Košice (Szlovákia)
    • Innomine DIH – South Transdanubian branch (Magyarország)
    • Blue European Digital Innovation Hub (Horvátország)
    • Futures of Innovation and Technology Digital Innovation Hub (Románia)
    • Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub (Litvánia)
    • Centre 4.0 Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Ukrajna)
    • Hub For Digital Innovations (Csehország)
    • Belgrade Robotics Hub (Szerbia)
    • Advanced Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub (Litvánia)


    - 4 Hungarian companies we mentored and supported for 10 months as part of the BOWI project:

    • CAADEX Kft
    • Pécsi Sördőzde Zrt
    • EN-CO Software Zrt
    • KONETIK GmbH
    Within the BOWI project, innomine's main task was to manage the implementation of 4 Hungarian SME projects for 10 months (2022.05.15 - 2023.03.15.).

    The 4 projects (experiments) were aimed at introducing or further developing innovativ technologies:
    CAADEX Kft.:
    CAADEX Production Optimization System Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt: Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME - Pecsi Sorfozde
    KONETIK: Fleet electrification with an ML-based charging plan EN-CO Software Zrt: Development of a fully-fledged, automated bin-picking solution During the 10 months innomine continuously monitored the progress of the projects, if a problem occurred, supported the SME in the solution, connected the companies with the BOWI consortium, helped to communicate with them. We also supported the preparation of the reports and documents that the 4 companies were required to prepare, checked them before submission and advised on modifications where necessary.

    All 4 projects were completed successfully and on time, all were accepted by the BOWI consortium without exception. Thanks to the digital solutions implemented or improved, all 4 companies have since been able to operate more efficiently, and their names have been recognised internationally thanks to the project.
    Experiment management and coordination
    Management of technology pilots
    Within the BOWI project, innomine's main task was to manage the implementation of 4 Hungarian SME projects for 10 months (2022.05.15 - 2023.03.15.).

    The 4 projects (experiments) were aimed at introducing or further developing innovativ technologies:
    CAADEX Kft.:
    CAADEX Production Optimization System Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt: Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME - Pecsi Sorfozde
    KONETIK: Fleet electrification with an ML-based charging plan EN-CO Software Zrt: Development of a fully-fledged, automated bin-picking solution During the 10 months innomine continuously monitored the progress of the projects, if a problem occurred, supported the SME in the solution, connected the companies with the BOWI consortium, helped to communicate with them. We also supported the preparation of the reports and documents that the 4 companies were required to prepare, checked them before submission and advised on modifications where necessary.

    All 4 projects were completed successfully and on time, all were accepted by the BOWI consortium without exception. Thanks to the digital solutions implemented or improved, all 4 companies have since been able to operate more efficiently, and their names have been recognised internationally thanks to the project.
    BOWI - connecting digital innovation hubs and SMEs in the discovery of advanced digital solutions
    Management of technology pilots
    Experiment management and coordination
    BOWI - connecting digital innovation hubs and SMEs in the discovery of advanced digital solutions



    • TNO
    • FundingBox
    • VTT
    • Krakow Technology Park
    • Transilvania IT Cluster
    • Aachen University
    • ICT Cluster Bulgaria
    • Latvian IT Cluster 
    • Civitta
    • NTNU
    • University of West Bohemia

    DIH network:

    • DIH TECHNICOM – University Science Park TECHNICOM on behalf of the Technical University of Košice (Szlovákia)
    • Innomine DIH – South Transdanubian branch (Magyarország)
    • Blue European Digital Innovation Hub (Horvátország)
    • Futures of Innovation and Technology Digital Innovation Hub (Románia)
    • Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub (Litvánia)
    • Centre 4.0 Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Ukrajna)
    • Hub For Digital Innovations (Csehország)
    • Belgrade Robotics Hub (Szerbia)
    • Advanced Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub (Litvánia)


    - 4 Hungarian companies we mentored and supported for 10 months as part of the BOWI project:

    • CAADEX Kft
    • Pécsi Sördőzde Zrt
    • EN-CO Software Zrt
    • KONETIK GmbH
    Within the BOWI project, innomine's main task was to manage the implementation of 4 Hungarian SME projects for 10 months (2022.05.15 - 2023.03.15.).

    The 4 projects (experiments) were aimed at introducing or further developing innovativ technologies:
    CAADEX Kft.:
    CAADEX Production Optimization System Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt: Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME - Pecsi Sorfozde
    KONETIK: Fleet electrification with an ML-based charging plan EN-CO Software Zrt: Development of a fully-fledged, automated bin-picking solution During the 10 months innomine continuously monitored the progress of the projects, if a problem occurred, supported the SME in the solution, connected the companies with the BOWI consortium, helped to communicate with them. We also supported the preparation of the reports and documents that the 4 companies were required to prepare, checked them before submission and advised on modifications where necessary.

    All 4 projects were completed successfully and on time, all were accepted by the BOWI consortium without exception. Thanks to the digital solutions implemented or improved, all 4 companies have since been able to operate more efficiently, and their names have been recognised internationally thanks to the project.
    Digital Maturity Assessment Methodology
    Assessing the digital maturity level of Hungarian SMEs in order to help formulate Digital Transformation Strategy
    Digital Transformation Strategy
    innomine helps the digitalization and digital transformation of the Hungarian SMEs in the last 13 years. As the digital transformation became more important to build and maintain resilience, keep up in the sever business environment, innomine faced increasing need of consultancy on this field. Based on its vast related experience developed Digital Maturity Assessment Tool. 

    A systematic self-assessment helps companies to have the top-level evaluation of its digital readiness. Moreover, comparison with fellow industry members orient business management to evaluate the status of their organization. Our Digital Readiness Assessment integrate various dimensions, which are vital to draw a full picture of the company.

    These are: Digital Strategy, Company Culture, Value Creation Process, Supporting Process, Customer Experience and IT. There are several similar tools available internationally, but the challenge was to develop a methodology, which are tailored for the Hungarian small businesses, and helps homogenic understanding of the terms. The concept of the assessment tool focuses on the consciousness, readiness and willingness of digitalization. The tool uses multiple-choice questions with pre-set answers, which ensure the solid understanding cross the different respondents.

    The automated evaluation provides a Digital Readiness Index, which is compared against industry average – helping the partners to see their maturity status.Based on the evaluation innomine able to help SMEs to build the strategy and action plan, which takes the company further on the digital transformation journey.

    IFKA tanácsadás - Consulting on digital transformation

      Digital Maturity Assessment Methodology
      Digital Transformation Strategy
      Assessing the digital maturity level of Hungarian SMEs in order to help formulate Digital Transformation Strategy

      IFKA tanácsadás -
      Consulting on digital transformation


        • Első Beton
        • Caadex
        • Visuall
        • Tracon
        • Studium
        • Gépteszt
          innomine helps the digitalization and digital transformation of the Hungarian SMEs in the last XXX years. As the digital transformation became more important to build and maintain resilience, keep up in the sever business environment, innomine faced increasing need of consultancy on this field. Based on its vast related experience developed Digital Maturity Assessment Tool. 

          A systematic self-assessment helps companies to have the top-level evaluation of its digital readiness. Moreover, comparison with fellow industry members orient business management to evaluate the status of their organization. Our Digital Readiness Assessment integrate various dimensions, which are vital to draw a full picture of the company.

          These are: Digital Strategy, Company Culture, Value Creation Process, Supporting Process, Customer Experience and IT. There are several similar tools available internationally, but the challenge was to develop a methodology, which are tailored for the Hungarian small businesses, and helps homogenic understanding of the terms. The concept of the assessment tool focuses on the consciousness, readiness and willingness of digitalization. The tool uses multiple-choice questions with pre-set answers, which ensure the solid understanding cross the different respondents.

          The automated evaluation provides a Digital Readiness Index, which is compared against industry average – helping the partners to see their maturity status.Based on the evaluation innomine able to help SMEs to build the strategy and action plan, which takes the company further on the digital transformation journey.
          Trainings, workshops, webinars
          The Business Promotion & Development Campus (BPDC) is an innovation center operating as part of the Embassy of Hungary in Washington D.C. which offers – beyond the physical amenities – development program for the Hungarian companies aiming to enter the USA market. Its mission was also to help Hungarian companies with networking options by introducing them to the local business communities.

          innomine – as the selected professional implementer - was commissioned to organize boot camps: find, recruit, assess and select relevant companies, compose and deliver enablement program, organize first pitches and business meetings, networking events.

          innomine organized five cohort of companies during 2019-2021. Based on our experiences and own methodology it was paramount, that local (US) trainers and mentors help the development of the Hungarian SMEs. In cooperation with our US partners a multilevel program has been composed, covering business planning, sales, pitching, marketing. Experts selected from top American companies’ executives worked with the management of Hungarian SMEs in order to prepare them for the US market activity. The Hungarian SMEs were coming mainly from the ITC industry, but agriculture and gree business has been also represented – both established mature companies and start-ups.
          Development program for the Hungarian companies aiming to enter the USA market
          Trainings, workshops, webinars
          Development program for the Hungarian companies aiming to enter the USA market
          The Business Promotion & Development Campus (BPDC) is an innovation center operating as part of the Embassy of Hungary in Washington D.C. which offers – beyond the physical amenities – development program for the Hungarian companies aiming to enter the USA market. Its mission was also to help Hungarian companies with networking options by introducing them to the local business communities.

          innomine – as the selected professional implementer - was commissioned to organize boot camps: find, recruit, assess and select relevant companies, compose and deliver enablement program, organize first pitches and business meetings, networking events.

          innomine organized five cohort of companies during 2019-2021. Based on our experiences and own methodology it was paramount, that local (US) trainers and mentors help the development of the Hungarian SMEs. In cooperation with our US partners a multilevel program has been composed, covering business planning, sales, pitching, marketing. Experts selected from top American companies’ executives worked with the management of Hungarian SMEs in order to prepare them for the US market activity. The Hungarian SMEs were coming mainly from the ITC industry, but agriculture and gree business has been also represented – both established mature companies and start-ups.