Next wave of environment: repurpusing marginal lands
innomine sets the bar to a next level and participates in the MarginUp! project of the EU. Repurpusing marginal lands is a serious potential and a step forward to preserve Europe as we know it. We are eager to make the best outcome possible in MarginUp!
In this project we are developing sustainable value chains to produce bioproducts, grown on marginal lands, which will contribute to prevent desertification of Europe.
In the use case we investigate the replicability and scalability of the Hungarian case study, identify its application areas and present it to potential customers, highlighting the benefits of the new model.
In the project, we contribute to the creation of sustainable and replicable business cases for the 5 use-cases implemented in the MarginUp! project, that includes the study of the coherence, biodiversity and economics of the use-cases value chains. innomine is responsible for creating a Roadmap for scaling up value chains for industrial feedstock and enabling flexible business plans that can be easily adapted to different conditions. By building on results from other WPs and connecting production economics related to feedstock production with critical factors for value chain performance and market studies, we outline preconditions (in primary production, processing and markets) for initiating the proposed feedstock production systems and, provide strategic guidance for how to address the critical factors for value chain coherence and, for scaling up the use-cases. innomine will organize 2-3 workshops with key partners to develop the roadmap, which will be validated by different stakeholders.

Raising Bio-based Industrial Feedstock in Marginal Lands
MarginUp! is developing sustainable and circular value chains to produce bioproducts and biofuels from natural raw materials grown on marginal lands. By introducing climate resilient and biodiversity-friendly non-food crops on marginal and low-productivity lands, MarginUp! will increase farming system resilience, enhance biodiversity, and promote stakeholder participation.

Almost 30% of the EU27+UK agricultural area is classified as marginal: Land that has little agricultural value because the value of the products cultivated on the land is lower than the cost of producing it.
Left neglected, these lands continue to degrade, in turn leading to more biodiversity loss and ecosystem damage, leaving the land and surrounding ecosystems more vulnerable to climate change impacts, including desertification.
Across the continent, agricultural land and activities are threatened by poor soil health with 60-70% of all soils are unhealthy in Europe due to land management practices, pollution, intensive agriculture, urbanisation, and the effects of climate change.

the opportunity
MarginUp! proposes practices to secure use and return profitability on marginal lands, while enhancing biodiversity by cultivating climate-resilient and biodiversity-friendly non-food crops for sustainable industrial feedstock on marginal lands. This will simultaneously provide an abundant local source of renewable feedstocks to produce high-value biobased commodities and support ecosystem restoration and health.
Working closely with land managers, farmers, and stakeholders from the growing bioeconomy industry, MarginUp! will create sustainable and circular value chains and increase the resilience of rural farming systems. To further improve biodiversity and environmental benefits, MarginUp! will focus on understanding which marginal lands are suitable with the lowest impact for low indirect land-use change (ILUC) biomass production.

Build resilience to climate change

Increase productivity & farming system robustness

Enhance biodiversity

Develop circular & sustainable value chains

press release
MarginUp! project kicks off to raise the biodiversity and productivity of marginal lands.
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or REA. Neither the European Union nor REA can be held responsible for them.
The next wave of innovation
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