2023.05.11. – 6 min read
We succesfully closed our EU Horizon 2020 project with BOWI; „Boosting Widening Digital Innovation Hubs” after a two-year run.
The aim of the project was to share experiences and best practices, build and develop a Digital Innovation HUB (DIH) network. The task of the DIH network is to support European SMEs in digital transformation.
9 Digital Innovation HUB were a participant in the project, whom were selected via a tender created by an international consortia.
- DIH TECHNICOM – University Science Park TECHNICOM on behalf of the Technical University of Košice (Slovakia)
- Innomine DIH – South Transdanubian branch (Hungary)
- Blue European Digital Innovation Hub (Croatia)
- Futures of Innovation and Technology Digital Innovation Hub (Romania)
- Sunrise Valley Digital Innovation Hub (Lithuania)
- Centre 4.0 Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (Ukraine)
- Hub For Digital Innovations (Czech Republic)
- Belgrade Robotics Hub (Serbia)
- Advanced Manufacturing Digital Innovation Hub (Lithuania)
During the BOWI project all the 9 DIHs had the opportunity to mentor 4 companies for a 10 months long digital project execution, which was funded by the BOWI consortia.
innomine executed successful digitalization pilot projects for the following 4 Hungarian companies between 01/05/2022 and 31/5/31.
- Project: PSFCAN – Smooth food and beverage packaging line operation in an SME – Pecsi Sorfozde
Company name: Pécsi Sörfőzde Zrt. (Pécs Brewery)
Applied technology: Modelling&simulation
Project abstract:
The aim of the PSFCAN project was the smooth operation of the can packaging line of Pécsi Sörfőzde. Separate machines are connected with conveyors. The machines run in a stop and go modus. Before and after the machine sensors detect the load on the conveyors and switches the machines. By using the modelling and simulation technology the experiment targeted a harmonization of the single machine operation to a regulated operation to improve line efficiency, product quality, reduce utility consumption and maintenance cost. This aim can be achieved with the elimination of the downtimes during the can packaging process. This required the simulation of the can packaging line with the technical support of IDM-Systems Zrt. It was made in Plant Simulation software. It was vital to understand the production system and the logics between the stations in detail in order to create the simulation model. The development was based on the production data, on the 1:1 scaled layout and on on-site surveys. At the end of the experiment the can packaging process were followed-up and efficiencies were calculated, and the efficiency improvement of the can packaging line has been statistically verified. The efficiency of the can packaging line increased from 71 % to 76 %.
Provider of the digital solution: IDM-Systems Zrt.
Partner search was conducted by innomine. Based on the identified problem and needs we searhed through our network for the most professional and experience software developer company, which can provide a custom-made digital solution. In this case, the most suitable choice was IDM-Systems Zrt. so we had connected them with Pécsi Sörfőzde, so the joint work could start. IDM-Systems Zrt created the so-called digital twin of the canning machine line of the Pécs Brewery, with the help of which it was possible to optimize its operation.
On March 10, 2023, we personally visited the Pécs Brewery in Pécs to see the results of the BOWI project live. During the visit, we first had a longer conversation with Managing Director Zoltán Szemerey and researcher Áron Varga about the company’s future development plans and innovation ideas, and then we toured the factory led by researcher Áron Varga. Here we also had the opportunity to see the line of canning machines, which, thanks to the joint work of innomine, IDM-Systems Zrt and Pécsi Sörfózde, can now operate much more efficiently.
- Project: CAADPRO – CAADEX Production Optimization System
Company name: CAADEX Kft.
Applied technology: Modelling & Simulation
The experiment focused on development of a solution for production planning and monitoring.The goal was to have real time data via sensors and extend it to all the machines in the production hall. Real time production can be monitored and the optimization can be easier and less human interaction needed with this technology. Since there is a lot of changes in orders and production since there are raw material supply problems, the faster reaction for changes in production can provide advantages. It is required to adapt modelling & simulation technology, therefore the company has been developed a production optimization system – CAADPRO – with the technical support of DDS Consulting Zrt. This software CAADPRO is an Advanced Planning and Scheduling system that helps factories optimize their production processes. The project scope was to expand the use of CAADPRO in a factory setting and to enhance its functionality. APS stands for Advanced Planning and Scheduling. It is a software-based tool that helps organizations optimize and streamline their production and supply chain processes. It typically uses mathematical algorithms and data analysis to provide insights into complex planning and scheduling problems. The goal of an APS is to improve operational efficiency by optimizing production plans, reducing lead times, minimizing inventory, and improving delivery performance. This is achieved by using real-time data, such as demand forecasts, production schedules, inventory levels, and supplier lead times, to generate optimized plans that take into account constraints, such as capacity limitations, material availability, and delivery deadlines. Following the expansion of CAADPRO, the company is now using the system on nine machines, as opposed to just one machine prior to the expansion. This expansion has allowed them to increase the number of products in the system from 250 to 500, which is double the number of products from before.
Provider of the digital solution: DSS Consulting Zrt.
In this case, the partner search was also executed by the help of innomine. The software that optimizes production planning was developed by DSS Consulting Zrt, and coordinated its introduction to 9 machines in the company’s production unit in Komló.
On March 10, 2023, we personally visited the CAADEX’s plant in Komló to see the 9 production machines involved in the BOWI project and the results of the project. During the visit, we first had a longer conversation with the managing director Gábor Szanyi and the project manager Vera Maros about the experiences gained during the project and the future development plans, and then we went around the factory together with them and saw the machines included in the project, which are now optimized and operating.
- Projekt címe: GrabMax – Development of a fully-fledged, automated bin-picking solution
Company name: EN-CO Software Zrt.
Applied technology: Robotics for manufacturing
In spite of sharply developing technology the fully-fledged, automated bin picking without manual intervention still represents challenges. Other challenge is the cycle time of the production systems. Needless to say, if we like to use robot in the production system the robot has to keep the cycle time of the whole production chain. In many cases fulfilment of this expectation raises obstacles. Usually the speed of automated production line gives little time for the system to rearrange the parts in the bin by the robot in order to be able to grip the part properly.
The objective of the project was to deliver the full-fledged version of the currently existing prototype of EN-CO Software’s integrated bin-picking solution, GrabMax that comprehensively addresses automation needs of production sites across multiple industries. During the BOWI project, GrabMax’s machine vision-based, highly advanced technology will enable collision-free unloading of various objects in an accurate fashion, saving cycle duration and eliminating the need for human intervention. During the 10 months of the project, the company managed to improve the speed of the operation, the bin rearrangement capability, the collision-free operation of the system, increase the number of handled objects and achieve TLR 8 at the end of the project.
- Project: MLCharge- Fleet electrification with an ML-based charging plan
Company name: KONETIK GmbH Magyarorszagi Fioktelepe
Applied technology: Artificial Intelligence
Konetik has developed an AI-driven simulation software that helps businesses to find the best matching electric vehicles and charging infrastructure using telematics data. Additionally, the software can automatically detect places that are significant for the life of the employee and recommend a charging strategy taking into account the time spent nearby potential chargers. Faster chargers can be installed at work locations and slower chargers can be installed at home locations. Automating this process will reduce anxiety from customers by allowing Konetik to provide specific recommendations for which chargers are best suited for a location. The team’s goal for this project was to use machine learning to automatically categorize locations based on the characteristics of the visit and other factors. The project was conducted in multiple stages, beginning with data cleaning and preprocessing. The software enhanced by machine learning is able to distinguish these two types of locations. This solution goes beyond the state of the art as currently there is no software tool that supports fleet electrification with an automated ML-based charging plan.
All four projects were completed successfully, and the companies achieved the goals set at the beginning. innomine will continue to monitor their activities and support them in the implementation of further digitization projects.
Details: https://bowi-network.eu/
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